Ireland Kiera

here is a example of Irelands food they eat things like sausage, ham, soup, bread,and things like that I've tried it it's really good.
This is a photo of Killarney National Park it is one of the most famous places in Ireland this place has a lot of trees because Ireland has a lot of trees and it's a national park.
This is were Ireland is placed on it's on the continent Europe. This is were it is here's a map!
This is Kilmainham Gaol this was a prison now it's a museum were prisoners were tortured it's one of Ireland most famous places to go.
This is one of the major cities in Ireland also Dublin is the nation capital in Ireland

These are some basic colors spoken in Irish language

These are Irish numbers 0-20........ very intresting

Ireland is a very big place Ireland has lots of hills an mountains they also have a lot of trees and animals too most of Ireland is mountains and hills and animals that place is very big and pretty.

Ireland has beautiful lands Ireland also has a lot of flowers it has a big ocean too Ireland has big and pretty rocks with huge mountains and there is so many lakes there, it is so pretty it's like a dream place.

This is the Irish flag the colors are orange,white and green


Created with images by bcmom - "Mt. Rushmore" • daspunkt - "Soup and Bread" • KlausHausmann - "trees old old tree" • SEDACMaps - "Ireland: Population Density, 2000" • wolfsavard - "kilmainham gaol" • lyng883 - "DSC01832, Belfast, Northern Ireland" • Barbara Walsh Photography - "View from the connor Pass" • ♡ dare to share beauty - "Annestown Scenery - HDR"

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