
Reese majestic BY Kayne

Have you ever met a dude who would spend his last day on earth playing fortnite and collects sticks? If you have not you should meet this dude Reese.
Reese likes to keep salamanders as a hobby, and would spend one million dollars on fortnite and airsoft equipment.
Reese would like to go to Russia if he could go anywhere because he wants to see what it is like to be a Russian and he wants a pigeon to salute him. Yes some pigeons can do that in Russia.
If Reese was an a deserted island, he would bring his million dollars, his house, and his PlayStation and his games. One person who Reese admires is Jacob satorious because he likes his song, sweatshirt.
Reese does cross country and band, and his favorite tv show is stranger things, his foavortie movie is terminator, and he likes the book prisoner 3087. When Reese becomes a adult he would like to become a engineera
Reese has a cat named sheeba and he has three siblings. And one thing Reese said his children will never have to do is be as weird as him.


Created with images by andreas hagerman - "Salamander" • Anosmia - "Russian flag" • Julius_Silver - "polynesia french polynesia tahiti" • skeeze - "silhouette runner female" • Hitchster - "Cat"

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