Deceit and deception how i got tied into it all

So,once I saw that first interaction i was just thinking that they would let it go, but apparently I was wrong. There were a few times I was suspicious of Juliet,but I pushed all that away because of how good she's always been. Eventually we had a conversation about it, and since I have no real ties with the feud and I just want her to be happy, I told her I would keep her secret. I absolutely love the trust she puts in me, for instance, she even had me go out and deliver a message to Romeo for her. I had gone to see him one time, and his buddy Mercutio had started mocking me but I couldn't say anything about it.So being who I am I took this picture as he was walking away...

Well yeah that makes him look like he's break dancing,but in reality he tripped over his own stupidity and his over sized ego.Oh dear I'm sorry that was a little rude of me.Well anyway, Romeo had made plans for him and Juliet to get married the next day at the Friars place since him and the Friar are so close. Well skipping past all the boring parts of that day, we helped her sneak out over to the Friars to marry Romeo. I wasn't there for it but I'm glad she got to do it because they seem really in love. It's going to be hard to hide this from her family and the rest of Verona, but for her, it's worth it. Sadly, everything went downhill from there.


Created with images by Line-tOodLinGfc - "sunflower vintage flower" • the.barb - "Breakdancing in Downtown Boston"

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