Human Wall of Compassion

Feb. 11, 2017, Roxbury, MA. - Community members stand in solidarity with the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center during, Dhuhr (midday prayer). Roxbury community activists, Andress Bonifacio and Richard Inonog organized the event. Inonog said, "I posted it to Facebook and it went viral." According to the Facebook event page, 3.6k people were "interested".

Heidi Whitman of Jamaica Plain is an art professor at Tufts University, Medford, MA.

Robin H., local Boston school teacher stands outside of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center to show solidarity with the Muslim community.

Northeastern law student, Hajjah Kamara has been attending the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center for five months. She said, " I was surprised to see all these people after prayer, it was truly heartwarming."

People surround the perimeter of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center to create the "Human Wall of Compassion" during midday prayer to show solidarity with the Muslim community.
Event organizer, Inonog said, "Minorities are the majority".

Members of the mosque came outside and shook hands with participants. After prayer, attendees were welcomed in for a warm cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. It was a time of fellowship. Here, a member of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center thanks the crowd.

Northeastern freshmen, Dana Saltz (left) and Tova Lenchner (right) hold up signs stating, "We have your back!" Inonog had specific instructions for participants: complete silence upon arrival, no disruption and the only signs allowed were those that read, "we have your back".

Since the event, Inonog has created a "support" Facebook group keeping with the name, "Human Wall of Compassion". His mission: " When called upon, we will build a 'Human Wall of Compassion' to show support and solidarity to marginalized groups in Boston. In complete silence, we will form a line to surround a Church, Mosque, Temple, community center, or any areas that a community uses. We are pro Immigrant Rights, Religious Rights, Women's Rights, LGBTQI Rights, Disability Rights, Economic Equality, Gender Equality, and Racial Equality".

Created By
Crystal Milner


Crystal Milner

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