LC- The MET By Eli Scher

A future 8th grader should definitely choose The Met for Living Color China because this exhibit concisely shows how the legacy of ancient China, through both Confucianism and Taoism, is evident today.

In this experience, you will encounter two rooms; one will be a study, which is filled with nice furniture and is far more complex and closed off, and one will be an open garden and study area, which is very simple, quiet, and filled with nature. Both of these rooms are filled with information on plaques and lots of symbols, which can be used to connect both to different aspects of ancient China.

I found that the study clearly represents modern day Confucianism, while the garden takes on more of a Taoist appearance. The study has a complex, expensive, and furnished look, which shows that someone has been looking after it or trying to make it appear nicer. It also looks like the room of someone who could be studying the dao to become a junzi. Additionally, the room looks like that of someone who is trying to impress and build on relationships (like those with the Emperors and Ancestors) and also looking good for guests and others.

The garden, on the other hand, looks very simple, calming, relaxing, and embodies "wu-wei" with its overall theme of nature (water and rocks) being in its natural state. This also goes along with Lao Tzu's vinegar tasting as he was the only taster that could appreciate the taste of vinegar in its natural state. Also, the recurring theme of water and rocks represent Yin and Yang because the water represents the good and the pure, while the rocks, are hard sharp, and dull, and don't change, although both are found together in nature. Lastly, the moon-viewing terrace could pose as a useful place to study the Daodejing while also reaching one's inner self. as the room itself is very calm and has few distractions.

As my experience has shown, going to the MET is a great choice for Living Color China, as it is very simple and easy, and also gives a lot of information about the legacy of ancient China through Confucianism and Taoism.


Created with images by jeffamadi - "metropolitan museum nyc new york city"

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