Colonial manners By: Emma phillips

Have you ever wondered what school was like in colonial times? Well, I'm here to tell you some specific rules that colonial children had during school. But wait, there's more! Just keep reading, and you'll find out more about colonial manners.

In colonial times children weren't required to go to school. It was a privilege. But if you did, you had to obey certain rules. One of the rules was Do not kill bugs, and if you see something dirty on someone else, put your foot on it and take it off of them. This is just one of the rules that colonial children had.

do not kill bugs.

Instead of eating at separate tables, everyone ate at the same table, and there were manners there too! One of them was If someone is talking at the table, do not talk back to them, and don't talk with your mouth full. This is what colonial children did while eating.

colonial meat

Did you know that colonial children would get dressed at school? But guess what? they had rules for that too! One of them was do not take off your cloths when you are with people, or walk out of your dressing room half dressed. This is one of the rules that they had about getting dressed.

colonial clothing

You were wondering what kids did in colonial school, and now you know! If you hear more about colonial manners, remember the rules that this paper includes, but if you want to remember what all of the rules are, then click on the link below.


Created with images by jeffweese - "Wye Oak School House" • Danny Chapman - "Blue butterfly" • chrisbulle - "meat done right"

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