Pegasus: the winged horse By katelyn Bailey:)

From his birth to his death,pegasus remained a mysterious creature capable of everything.

Pegasus was represented as good hearted, Gentle creature, somewhat Naive, But always eager to help.

For his service and loyalty, Zeuce Honored him with a special immortality turning Pegasus into a constellation on the last day of life,

Pegasus is a mythical winged horse in the ancient Greeks.

Pegasus the winged horse

After his birth, Pegasus lived on Mt. Helicon.

Pegasus came as a offspring when Medusa was killed by Perseus.

Pegasus is one of the best creatures in Greek Mythology.

Pegasus is a winged divine stallion.

Pegasus was sired by Poseidon, In his role as Horse God.

Pegasus is the creator of Hippocrene, The fountain on Mt. Helicon.

Created By
Katelyn Bailey
Created with images by dierk schaefer - "Pegasus"

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