
Black Spider Monkey By: Yagizhan

What do they look like

Do you know what is strong, black, and a monkey? A black spider monkey! First, let’s talk about their height and size. Male has 16-24 inches, female has 2 feet, and baby’s has 35-66. Second, they have fantastic body. Interesting thing about them is they have itchy fur and they are strong and have long tail. Do you have a chance to see these amazing creatures? If you see one, take a closer look.

Where they live

Now let's ride into these amazing creatures habitat! First let's talk about their location. They live in rainforests. If you can't find one there, search for amazon you definitely find one there. Now let's talk about their climate! Their climate is rainy, wet, and hot! Last let's talk about where they sleep. They sleep in holes and trees. If you find these amazing creatures sleeping, just leave them alone.

What they eat

Now let’s talk about these amazing creature’s diet! First, they eat small bugs, red tiles, leaves, flowers, honey, and insects. Second, do you want to find out how they find their food? They do it by hanging out from trees! Last, do these amazing creatures have predators? The answer is yes. And you might be wondering what is predator means, it means what things hunt them.There predator’s are eagles, humans, jaguars, crack tikie, hunt’s them sadly. If you see people, just say stop.

Why they are endangered

Now let’s talk about why they are endangered. If you don’t know you're lucky because you’re gonna find out, First, people cutting down the rainforest also people cut down the trees which is their habitat. Second, people illegally hunt them. You know why they hunt them? For food. Third, do you wanna know how many black spider monkeys are left in whole world? 1000 left isn’t that so sad? Did you learn about black spider monkey’s now? I hope you did.

How can we help

Now do you wanna help black spider monkeys? I hope you do! First, we could help by going to www.worldwildlife.com (website). You can adopt a animal also you can donate $25-$250 . Second you can say hunters to stop, Also you can tell you're family members. So, are you gonna help them? Just do it.

Black Spider Monkey


Created with images by Mason Panos - "Life" • Jeffrey Hamilton - "Infant Gorilla" • Samuel Ramos - "The Monkey" • Francesco Ungaro - "Scimpanzè"

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