Creative Photography Portfolio By: Gabriella perallon

My First Photography
I took this photo in the beginning of the year when we were learning about Leading Lines. I love this photo of Selena and the way the lines all lead to her from the ramp and even the palms point towards her.
Photo Editing
Before. After.
I used Snapseed to make the background of this photo black and white so the different blues would be highlighted and would pop out more in the photo.
Photography Inspired By Sophia Gamand
Black and White
I love this Black and White photo the most because I love the zoomed in perspective I have. I love how the lines beautifully contrast to the base color of the pumpkin and all lead in to the stem.
Still Life
I love this still life photo because I got some unique light angled onto the flower. It highlights some strange parts of the flower and fades out or darkness at the edges of the petals.
I love this photo of my friend Sophia because you can see the details of her face and what makes her face unique as she laughs. I love how she's naturally laughing and not just smiling and posing for a photo.
Creative Photography

Overall, I enjoyed this course very much. It was a great balance to my busy and stressful Junior year. This class doesn't pressure you into being perfect. In fact, it embraces imperfections. I've learned that sometimes those make the best pictures. I had fun taking photos of school life, seasons, creating words with my photography, and being able to post my beautiful photos for my friends to admire along with me. If there was a Creative Photography II, I would sign up immediately.

My Absolute Favorite Photograph(s)
I love these photos the most. The pumpkin one is cool because I used the black background, a flashlight, and black netting to create the illusion that I took this photo of a pumpkin outside with the moon in the background and tree branch shadows cast over it. I love the sunflower picture because of the interesting lighting I put on it and the way the light fades out at the edges of the petals.
The End

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