An equation no pregnant woman wants to take part in, particularly at the end of August. During one of Chicago’s hottest summers...

I was 40 +1 when this story starts. That is, 40 weeks (full gestation), plus one day past my due date with baby girl… or boy?

Here’s a <truncated> version of how the next 25.25 hours went:

10:00 AM: First contractions hit

11:00 AM: Conference call with client (because the Advertising world will definitely stop if I go on maternity leave before this call.)

<contractions, contractions, contractions>

12:30 PM: Conference call with team

<contractions, contractions, contractions>

3:00 PM: Conference call with client (Because the Advertising world will REALLY stop if I go on maternity leave before this call.)

3:10 PM: BIG contraction. OK. They’ll live without me. Time to excuse myself from the call.

3:15 PM: Shower. Because God only knows the next time I’ll be able to shower!

(This is what it must have felt like to shower before kids)

<contractions getting closer together>

3:30 PM: Demand (nicely) that husband drive me to TJ MAXX, because in the aforementioned shower, I noticed that <gasp!> it’s time for a new liner. Husband denies request, says we need to start heading to the hospital before rush hour starts. I grab keys and say I’m going myself; after all, my mom will be here the next time I’m in this house and she is NOT seeing that liner! Husband concedes and takes me to TJ MAXX. I also found a few great deals for Christmas.

<<What was I thinking!?>>

4:30 PM: Arrive home. Accident on Lakeshore Drive, accident on highway. Contractions getting stronger. Decide I’d rather go through contractions at home vs in traffic. Wait it out.

5:30 PM: Can’t wait any longer. Hop in car <<sit in traffic>>

5:43 PM: “Let’s Hear it for the boys” comes on the radio – we ponder whether or not this is a sign.

6:30 PM: Admitted to Prentice, taken to room in emergency area. They check me. I’m 3 CM.


How could I only be 3CM dilated!? There must be an error. I’ve been in labor 8.5 hours. I must be more than 3CM!

Check again.

Still 3 CM.

8:40 PM: Admitted to birthing room.

9:00 PM: Epidural

There IS a God!!!!!!!!!!

10:00 PM-3:00 AM: Husband sleeps, I toss and turn, and give myself too much epidural.

3:15 AM: Nurse comes to check on me – too drugged up to roll myself over (see above.)

No more epidural drip allowed.


5:30 AM: Time to push! The Dr. on call waltzes in wearing stilettos. I think this is a good sign. She instructs me to push. I give my best, and she says I’m a pro – we’ll be out of here before her shift ends in 45 minutes.

6:15 AM: I HATE that lying Dr.! Her shift ends, and she leaves in disgust of my puny efforts. A new Dr. has come on the scene. This Dr. is clearly the real deal. She’ll get us there. Quickly?

8:30 AM: Still no baby. Still active pushing. Baby starts to crash. Then comes back. My husband's back hurts.

10:30 AM: We’ve been in active labor for over 5 hours. Every time the baby’s heart rate dips, a team rushes in to take us to surgery for a C-Section. Every time they enter, baby regains heart rate, and I assure the Dr. I can keep going as long as it’s safe for the baby. OH, and my husband's back still hurts.

11:17 AM: Baby (???) is born!!!! A team of 10-15 people rush in and take the baby aside. After the longest two minutes of my life, I hear a cry. Then I cry. The most joyful cry of my life.

Our baby BOY is here!

My husband really wanted to name the baby John Michael, after our fathers, if it was a boy. I really wanted to name the baby William Axel (after several family members). Once I got to hold our baby, I said, “He sure showed a lot of Will, didn’t he!?”

Mom wins. OK -- everyone wins. This guy is perfect.
William -- one day old, and each birthday since


Created with images by renaissancechambara - "Pow!" • renaissancechambara - "Pow!" • anneheathen - "Trying to give myself a kick to make today super productive #pow" • Sean MacEntee - "pow" • anneheathen - "Trying to give myself a kick to make today super productive #pow" • MITLRproductions - "Batman - Comic Book Bam!" • alisisha - "pow"

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