The Global Gag Rule THe global gag rule will affect many people, not just women.


Reinstated: to bring something back to its original state

Non-governmental organizations: a non-profit organization that is independent from international government and states

Funding: money provided for a specific purpose by the government or organization

Contraception: artificial method to prevent pregnancy

Abortion Rate: the number of abortions per 1,000 pregnancies

The Gates Foundation: private foundation funded by Bill and Melinda Gates

What is the global gag rule?

The global gag rule is a law made by Republican officials that states that non-governmental organizations will not receive US funding if they provide abortion services. Callie Beusman, senior editor for Broadly writes, “Trump reinstated the global gag rule, a harmful and life-threatening policy that bars US funding from going to foreign aid groups that even discuss abortion.” Under the gag rule, the organizations will lose the funding only if they counsel women on or refer them to a safe place for abortion. The US spends a great deal of money on health care around the world. “According to NPR of the $10 billion a year spent on global health $607.5 million goes to reproductive health.” Writes Mya Parthasarathy author for Bustle. That money goes to towards contraception and family planning. These organizations could also lose donated contraception and guidance from the U.S International family planning program.

How is the global gag rule affecting countries around the world?

Many countries around the world are being affected by this newly re-signed global gag rule. Kathy Calvin, UNF CEO states that “This action will do more than change policy; it will make it more difficult for millions of girls and women to access the contraception and health care they need to determine their futures.” The global gag rule is going to make it harder for women to find proper health care. This is true specifically in smaller countries where it is hard for organizations to get them what they need. “Fewer than 1 in 5 married women use a modern contraception method in poor countries, writes Donna Clifton and Toshiko Kaneda authors for Population Reference Bureau.” It’s hard for women in poor countries to get the correct contraception, especially with Trump bring back the global gag rule.

What is the national and global abortion rate?

The abortion rates have specifically decreased since Roe vs. Wade. In America they have gone down significantly from 16.3 abortions to 14.6 abortions per 1,000 women since Roe v. Wade. Christina Cauterucci author of “U.S abortion rate fell to lowest point since Roe v. Wade” writes that “The U.S. abortion rate has fallen to the lowest it's been since Roe v. Wade prohibited states from outlawing abortion, according to a new report from the Guttmacher Institute.” The abortion rates have been changing according to the laws like Roe v Wade and The Global Gag Rule, that are put out on them. The national abortion rate peaked in 1980 at almost twice what it was in 2014. Abortion rates around the world are also dropping, but are still higher than in developed countries. This is due to the unavailability of proper contraception. Christina Cauterucci author of New Study: Anti-Abortion Laws Don’t Reduce Abortion Rates. Contraception Does writes “Where there’s little contraception, there are more unintended pregnancies; where there are more unintended pregnancies, there are more abortions.” It is hard for women in poorer countries to get proper birth control. Which is leading to more unwanted pregnancies, and abortions.

Does Trump plan to do anything different with the global gag rule?

“Trump has expanded it to all global health assistance provided by the US government so we’re talking now about HIV funding, Malaria, tuberculosis, child health, maternal health, contraception…”

Trump has just recently re-signed this rule and has made some modifications as to what health care organizations can receive. Trump’s rule has now expanded to all global health care. Francoise Girard President of the Women’s Health Coalition states that “Trump has expanded it to all global health assistance provided by the US government so we’re talking now about HIV funding, Malaria, tuberculosis, child health, maternal health, contraception…” Trump has stretched this rule to all health care that is given out globally by the US government. This rule is affecting many places around the world who have previously been open to talk about abortion and its options. With Trump’s new version of the rule, more money will be taken away from the non-governmental organizations that decide to keep their abortion services., “The new rule means that rather than impacting $600 million in U.S. foreign aid, it will affect $9.5 billion”, according to Suzanne Ehlers, president and CEO of the global reproductive health organization PAI. The amount of money that non-governmental organizations will lose is going to increase significantly with Trump’s modifications.

How can these countries get other help?

Countries that will be affected by this rule can get help from funding like The Gates Foundation. Melinda Gates believes that access to contraception can greatly help developing countries. Melinda Gates says “We’re concerned that this shift could impact millions of women and girls around the world.” The Gates’ are worried that their work will be undercut by the global gag rule. Melinda believes that providing family planning and access to treatment for diseases is lifesaving.Tara Culp-Ressler author for In The World’s Poorest Countries, Demand For Birth Control Is Increasing But Access To It Isn’t writes, “About 222 million women in developing countries want to use birth control but don’t have access to it, and three quarters of those women live in the world’s poorest countries.” A lot of women want access to birth control to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, but it is hard for them to get it. With Trump’s gag rule it will be even harder.


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