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Lumix S1R

If you’re wondering why someone who loves Sigma cameras and gets called the ‘Foveon Wizard’ by his peers is writing about the Panasonic Lumix S1R I need to take you back to 2007.

Back then my love for gadgets and tech related things eventually lead me to buying a Panasonic Lumix Fz8, a small bridge camera with 36-432mm f2.8-f3.2 zoom lens. That was my first entry in to the world of photography.

It was then I discovered I didn't just enjoy capturing moments in time but also crafting them by adding my own light. My first ever off camera flash photo was with the Fz8 using a long exposure and the Xeon flash from my old smart phone back when that was a thing.

Panasonic Lumix Fz8 with mobile phone flash.

From there I upgraded to a DSLR. This let me be much more creative and use a wireless flash but I wanted something smaller for everyday stuff and eventually bought my first mirrorless camera back in 2009 which was a Panasonic, the Lumix GF1

The Panasonic LUMIX GF1 that now belongs to my son.

Its clear that Panasonic cameras have always been a part of my photography as I grew so when Panasonic, Sigma and Leica announced the new L mount alliance I got excited and reached out to Panasonic UK to see if I could try their first Full Frame Mirrorless L mount camera the S1R.

Panasonic Lumix S1R with a range of Sigma ART lens.

The S1R wasn't my first Full Frame Mirrorless as that title went to my little Sony A7ii which has been a fantastic camera when I needed more speed or high ISO than my Sigma sdQ-H can give but that didn't stop the excitement I felt when the S1R arrived and its clear Panasonic have been busy!

The S1 and S1R are Panasonics high end entry into the L mount system and just holding the camera feels like a pro level DSLR instead of a mirrorless.

An image I created to showcase the weather sealed body plus Full Frame Sensor.

While It is bigger and heavier than my older Sony A7ii it feels much better built with its weather sealed body that offers more controls and features along with a 47mp sensor that can use the IBIS to generate impressive 187mp images but this is also reflected in the price at around £3,400.

Some of the butons

The EVF is the highest resolution around currently more than doubling that of the Sony A7iii and really makes a difference when viewing the world through it. I understand EVF are not for everyone but they do offer many benefits over OVF like focus peaking, picture in picture zooming of the focus area and real time exposure preview if needed.

A look through the EVF, shot on my s9+

Another nice feature is the rear LED touch screen that can pull out, up, down and also to the right which is great for macro or if using the camera in portrait mode low down.

That lovely flippy out LCD.

The camera also supports remote control shooting over WIFI, or full tethering over USB-C and is supplied with this little screw in mount to secure both the USB-C and HMDI wires when in use. The camera can also be supplied power while in use via the USB-C power allowing you to use a power bank for extended shooting or simply topping up the battery on location.

Included cable holder

There are just so many nice little thought out things about this camera that you appreciate the more time you spent with it, I have to say its possibly the best thought out cameras I have had the joy of using over the years.

Since I am a Sigma Ambassador I will be using the camera along with the Sigma MC-21 adaptor which does sadly limit some features of the camera, mostly AF-C. You can read more in-depth about that here on the Sigma UK Lounge but to cut a long story short using a proper L mount lens will open up what this camera can do.

Anyway using the Sigma SA lenses on the camera is simple and suits most of my photographic needs, just attach the MC-21, the lens and you're good to go.

Using the MC-21

I was able to test a variety of Sigma lens on the S1R, from the 12-24 f4 Art to the new 70-200 f2.8 with a few primes along the way. Using AF-S mode the lens focused accurately if a little slower than using them on the Sigma sdQ-H or Sony a7ii via the MC-11.

One of the features of the camera is the AI focus mode which can detect objects, animals, people and eyes. I was surprised the camera could even detect non human eyes and it has been a good mode to use often letting you concentrate on your composition although I did find at times that the camera would focus on the background even if it had a face highlighted. Upon experimenting it turned out that the camera was trying to find something in the original focus point even though I couldn't see it after it detected a face so its just something to watch out for.

The camera has many other focus modes like spot focus which will show a little picture in picture with a zoomed in view to show you if the focus has landed in the right place, also the focus peaking works well in manual focus and was actually a joy to use when shooting my cousins football team.

Footballer - LUMIX S1R with Sigma 50-100mm f1.8 ART in aspc mode.

As the S1R is the higher resolution version of the two cameras that share the same body, I feel that it will most likely be used by people looking to do landscapes or studio work with the S1 being more for events due to the smaller file size and better higher ISO, and Video too due having more options with the upgrade firmware and full sensor readout where as the S1R has a small 1.1x crop in 4k.

One of the main reasons I was interested in this camera was the High Resolution mode, I have been using the Super Fine Detail mode on my Sigma's for a while now and enjoy the extra clarity and dynamic range it brings so when I heard that the S1R could generate a 187mp raw file I knew it was something I wanted to try.

Using the High Resolution mode is fairly simple, press menu then in the first photo section scroll down to high resolution mode and then start as you can see in the short video here.

Here's the image from that shot using the Sigma 12-24mm f4 lens.

St Mary’s Parish Church, Kirkintilloch - LUMIX S1R with Sigma 12-24mm f4

I was rather impressed with how quick the camera created the image along with the detail it can capture although not all lenses will be able to resolve the full detail this mode provides. Movement in the images can cause artefacts although the camera does have two modes for the High Resolution mode and a longer shutter speed can help reduce them at the expense of motion blur.

Mode 1 attempts to blend movement to look like an longer exposure was used, it can work well and works best at longer exposures although the 1 second shutter speed limit of the High Resolution mode is annoying.

Mode 2 attempts to remove the movement to look like a shorter exposure was used, Both of these settings can be found in the High Resolution menu.

Another trick is to downscale the 187mp image back down to 47mp, You still end up with a file with more detail than a single 47mp shot even if the lens isn't capable to render the full 187mp. You can then use the single frame that the camera captures at the same time to blend over areas where the movement has been an issue, I particularly like doing this as the 47mp now looks more Foveon like than Bayer due to the increased density of detail.

To test this I took my trusty Sigma sdQ-H along with the Panasonic S1R with Sigma 12-24 f4 out at Carrbridge and took similar shots, Here is the shot from the S1R which I enjoyed more simple due to the sky.

Carrbridge - LUMIX S1R with Sigma 12-24mm f4

Here are the crops from both the Sigma sdQ-H (25.6mp) on the left shot in Super Fine Detail mode and Panasonic S1R shot in 187mp mode downscaled to 47mp.

Please download the crop image to view properly.

In this image from the Loup of Fintry I overlaid and masked the single shot file over the high resolution shot to create a cleaner look to the water and the edges of the trees while still resolving more overall detail.

The Tiny Tree at the Loup of Fintry - LUMIX S1R with Sigma 12-24mm f4

While not all lenses will currently resolve the full 187mp especially at infinity I created a studio shot using the Sigma 105 f1.4 Art and the detail captured is absolutely staggering.

NIKE Footscape - LUMIX S1R with Sigma 105mm f1.4 ART

On the left is the 187mp crop, and on the right the same image down sampled to 47mp to show the different between the two file sizes.

Please download the crop images to view properly.

As you can see with the right optics and situation the camera is simply wonderful in the High Resolution mode although one downside is that you can't use strobe lighting so I used my Spekular LED lights to create this image as you can see here.

BTS of a product shot with LUMIX S1R and Sigma 105mm f1.4 ART and Spekular LED

As the shoe was hanging on thin bits of metal wire I used another feature of the camera here, the WIFI remote control as the shoe would wobble around if I moved in the same room due to the wooden floor. Using this feature requires downloading LUMIX sync from the App or Playstore but after that connecting is fairly simple if you follow the instructions and gives you full control over the camera from your phone including remote viewing.

I know this feature is starting to become normal on cameras but its not something I'm that used to using but already finding good uses for it like creating this image for Cosyspeed while in the Highlands as you can see in this little clip.

You can see me walk into frame, press to focus and capture the image all using the Lumix Sync on my phone, Here is the final shot.

The Streetomatic+ - LUMIX S1R with Sigma 105mm f1.4 ART

Trying to do this shot solo without the WIFI control would have been a challenge but it was made easy thanks to that feature, the camera can also be tethered to a PC/Mac using the USB-C port on the side giving the same type of control although through a different interface using a program called LUMIX tether.

If you're in a studio setting shooting products it makes your life so much easier as you can download the images direct to the computer, view them on larger screens to show clients or even just to see if adjustments need done without having to zoom in on the cameras own LCD.

The camera also supports a feature called "Sheer overlay" which allows you to set a photo as a transparent image on the screen, this is handy say if you have a setup where you want to replace an item with another but be consistent with placement.

To demonstrate this I created a little video, sorry the quality isn't the best but I used my phone for this.

Much of what I have covered so far has been using the camera on a tripod so what is it like for general everyday usage?

Well for a start the weather sealing really adds a sense of confidence when using the camera, particularly with the typical Scottish weather like at the Hebridean Pride Festival on the Isle of Lewis.

Panasonic S1R with Sigma 105 f1.4 Art (shot on s9+)

Even though the camera was getting wet I knew I could keep shooting and created a few portraits at the event with the Sigma 105mm f1.4 Art via the MC-21 and Cactus v6ii firing a Godox ad360 inside a pop up soft box keeping the flash dry.

Hebridean Pride Event. All shot on the LUMIX S1R with Sigma 105mm ART

The Cactus triggers flashed with the Olympus TTL firmware worked great giving me TTL functions on the Godox ad360 as well as High Speed Sync which works all the way to 1/8000 of a second, Here's another shot using the same lighting combo but this time with the Sigma 135mm f1.8 ART of my friends daughter in a poppy field.

LUMIX S1R with Sigma 135mm f1.8 ART

To get an idea of the setup, I used something similar here for a photo of my son.

And here's the final image.

LUMIX S1R with Sigma 105mm f1.4 ART

And lastly a recent studio shoot with the tribute band Little Fix.

LUMIX S1R with Sigma 105 f1.4 ART

What about low light venues? Well it works rather well, the camera was still able to pick out faces and even eyes in this low light environment although it's not my main type of work and I do feel the 24mp S1 would be better suited for this as it's easier to manage and edit lots of smaller images for a faster turnaround.

105mm F1.4 DG HSM ART at a low light event.

So I have done my best to use this camera for a verity of shooting situations from product, portraiture, landscape, events and casual shooting. It's not a small travel camera by any means and to make the best of the 47mp chip requires great optics which tend to be big and heavy particularly if you like fast apertures but the camera itself is a joy to use and the results from it I feel are worth it.

The camera seems to have been designed just to go that little bit extra to make life easier from its extra long maximum shutter speed of 60s vs the normal 30s in most cameras, the 1/320 flash sync vs the average 1/180. Its like this throughout the camera in general and it just adds up to a great user experience.

On the video side of things it's capable of offering 4k video upto 60fps (in apsc crop) or 30fps using a 1.1x crop of the full sensor although the S1 is the better option if video is your main focus and it would be best to get feedback from someone that actually shoots video on a regular basis. So it's not something I will cover here.

My only real issue with the camera isn't even to do with the camera itself, it's the fact that I can't use AF-C using the MC-21 when the same lens can use AF-C on the Sony cameras via the MC-11. The ability to track subjects just makes things a lot easier at times particularly for event shooting but for people buying native L mount glass this won't be an issue but if you have a bunch of lenses already it's something to take into consideration.

Hopefully I will be able to try the camera with some real L mount lens to see how the AF-C works and also use the focus bracketing feature which is currently disabled for me due to the MC-21. I know Sigma have just announced a new 14-24 f4 , a 35mm f1.2 and 45mm f2.8 all designed for mirrorless from scratch so hopefully I won't have to wait too long but sadly the camera is on its way back home.

I am honoured that Panasonic let me try out this camera and can only thank them for the opportunity. It has allowed me to understand more about the L Mount and I truly am looking forward to see how the system progresses as a whole, the ability to mix and match cameras and lenses from Leica, Panasonic and Sigma is a unique feature of the L mount and with Sigma just announcing the tiny Full Frame FP camera things are looking interesting indeed.

The full spec list of the camera can be found at and they seem to have launched a new loan scheme to allow more people to try the system. You can see more about here at lumixgexperience but please enjoy a few more photos from the system before you go and remember to check out my article on the MC-21 at sigma-imaging-uk.

Devils Pulpit - LUMIX S1R with Sigma 12-24mm f4
Luskentyre Beach - LUMIX S1R with Sigma 12-24mm f4 ART
Rannoch Moor - LUMIX S1R with 105mm f1.4 ART
Blackrock Cottage - LUMIX S1R with Sigma 105mm f1.4 ART
Glen Etive - LUMIX S1R with Sigma 12-24mm f4 ART
Forky - LUMIX S1R with Sigma 70mm f2.8 Macro ART
Created By
Paul Monaghan

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