William Eggleston by rosie coyle

William Eggleston was an American photographer that was born on the 27th of July 1939. As a boy he was very creative, he enjoyed playing piano and drawing, he was always drawn to visual media.

he is best known for having vibrant, bold colours in his images, and very much credited with increasing recognition for colour photography as a legitimate artistic medium to display in art galleries. his solo show at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, in 1976 is considered a pivotal moment in the recognition of colour photography as a contemporary art form.

he was invited to photograph the 1982 production set of john Huston's film Annie. over his years he has travelled the world, photographing things/people/places that interests/inspires him.in 1998, he took a series of photographs in England called 'english rose', he's has visited places such as south Africa, china, japan, France.

there is a trust dedicated to the representation and preservation of his work, the director of the Eggleston Artistic trust is his two sons.

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