Local Economics 3rd Grade social studies

The Standards

RI.3.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts.

RI.3.5 Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently.

3.E.4 Students can recognize that limited resources require people to make choices to satisfy their wants for goods and services.

S.L.3.4 Report on a topic of text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an understandable pace.

The Hook

Skype Session with local business owners

Students brainstorm questions such as: What goods and services do you sell? How do you decide what you will offer? What are your biggest challenges/fears in running your business?


Video: BrainPop Goods & Services

Book: What are Goods and Services by Carolyn Andrews

Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up: Teacher holds up cards with different goods and services. Students pair up and discuss if it is a good or service and why.

Services: barber, baker, lawn, babysitter, chef // Goods: clothing, toys, food



Search city website to find two businesses that provide goods and two that provide services. (www.missionks.org, www.merriam.org, etc.)


Students will produce a visual presentation of the goods and services they found. Examples: poster, technology presentation, infographic, iMovie



Students will showcase their creations in a jigsaw, formal presentation, or gallery walk.


Students will complete a note-taking graphic organizer from the Instructional Playbook to be turned in. The graphic organizer will express understanding of the differences between goods and services.


Students will use their knowledge to create their own business with goods and/or services.

Students will create a business plan, pitch, and advertisement to present to local city members.


Created with images by Kaz - "wood texture background" • geishaboy500 - "Ottolenghi" • Bryan Maleszyk - "Napa Town" • kevin dooley - "Storefront" • rowland_rick - "Storefront" • tpsdave - "barbershop barber salon" • NNECAPA - "Swiss Time Sign, Portland ME"

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