All About Leatherback Turtles by avi rahmani

Leatherback turtles eat a lot of food. First, they eat mostly jellyfish. They eat 20 jellyfish a day. Also, they eat other sea animals that have soft bodies. They love to eat. Next they eat a day. All in all, that is what they eat.

Their is a lot to know about leatherback turtles flippers. First, their flippers can be 9 feet. That is long. The front flippers help swim. Also, the back flippers help turn. In conclusion, this is all about their flippers.

Leatherback turtles have vary interesting shells. First, they have shells that are thin and rubbery. Next, their shells can bend slightly. It is bad if their shells bend. Their shells are smooth. In the end, that is all about their shells.


Created with images by Paul Mannix - "A leatherback turtle covering her eggs, Turtle Beach, Tobago (Movie/Video)" • USFWS Headquarters - "1st leatherback sea turtle nest ..." • DavidMB2006 - "Leatherback turtle" • Paul Mannix - "A leatherback turtle covering her eggs, Turtle Beach, Tobago (Movie/Video)"

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