
Food Rescue US By evi tarshis

Photos by Evi Tarshis '20

Food Rescue US held a panel at the Westport Patagonia on Thursday, Oct. 26 to introduce their new app. CEO of Food Rescue US Carol Shattuck shared with the audience the details of their new app.

Carol Shattuck introducing the new Food Rescue US app - Photo by Evi Tarshis '20

Shattuck explained that their mission was to collect edible food from restaurants, grocers and other food establishments that would have otherwise gone to waste. They then transport this food to different local hunger-relief agencies.

The organization hopes to encourage schools like Staples to participate in their programs.

"Collecting food from schools like Staples could feed hundreds of starving people," Nicole Straight, a volunteer with the program, said.

User, Nicole Straight's progress on the app - Photo by Evi Tarshis '20

During the panel discussion, people were also able to try different dishes created using the food rescued. Food Rescue US hoped that by allowing the audience to try the rescued food, they would see the food’s quality and worth.

According to Food Rescue, the app has been a huge help in satiating hunger.

“It’s basically Uber for food rescues,” Ryan Hoak, a member of the audience said.

Westport's award winning chef of the Welk, Ka Wa Ni and Jesup Hall, Bill Taibe (on top right) sampling his dishes (below) - Photos by Evi Tarshis '20

So, instead of throwing away tons of excess food, industries can sign up on the app and their food will become an option for a “rescue.” Then, anyone signed up for the app can volunteer to pick it up.

“It allows volunteers to transfer food from point A to point B,” Shattuck said. “It’s a huge aid to receiving agencies looking for food for the hungry. They can get tons of food with just the click of a button.”

“As of now, Food Rescue US has 21 locations in 14 different states. Their goal is to expand to all 50 by 2020.

“It’s not a moment; it’s a movement,” Shattuck said.

Created By
Evi Tarshis

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