JUlIE -portraits 2016 by: kenia vazquez-


For this project we got to chose our own models and got to go anywhere in campus. The liberty of this project allowed us to find a variety of backgrounds. This project also allowed me to use different tools to enhance the quality of the pictures. The tools provided were reflectors and tripods, these tools have a huge impact on the final project.

Exposure time:1/100sec ISO: 250 F-stop: f/8

the background seems as we were in a wood land place but this was taken in front of the two hundred classrooms. how this day was windy her hair has lots of motion however there is no motion blur which is good. this background has all sorts of colors from fall to spring season colors. the one struggle or this picture was not to have the cars in the picture. the one thing I have changed was her position to cover the branches without leaves.

Exposure time:1/1600sec ISO:100 F-stop:f/8

Positioning Julie was difficult because the sun was at an angle which caused the lighting to be off. I tried to place the fence above her so below her waist seemed better. this picture was taken behind the six-hundred building. it was a quite place so it was difficult to tell her how to position as I was far away taking the picture.

Exposure time: 1/250 sec ISO:250 F-stop: f/8

the background was one of my favorites, the solid grey with green in front added color to the portrait. the struggle behind this picture was placing the reflector where her glasses would not reflect it and where it would not be in the picture. for this picture we used a stool and it allowed her to feel less awkward than just standing in the middle of bushes. although it was cold outside she did not put on a sweater that allowed her blue shirt to be a great contrast against the green and blue background.

Exposure time: 1/800 sec ISO:100 F-stop: f/4

for this picture I struggled with the background because the windows are not a pleasing view. because of the colors of the tree I picked this background. the issue with the tree was to not seem as it was growing out of her head. all in all her little smile allows for a great contrast to the colors which are dark. her smile and shirt break the dark colors and allow for one to focus on her.

Exposure time: 1/125 sec ISO: 100 F-stop: f/8

The grass in this picture was washed out. I tried to use the dull tool in photo shop but it seemed as I colored on the picture. Mr. Pederson suggest the masking tool which made the grass darker and less like I colored the grass. The down side to this picture is that it seems as she is as tall as the palm tress. Her hair seems as a fan was placed directly in front of her yet it is just the wind. The background has all sorts of trees but what is good about that is that the tree with the red flowers attract ones attention to her face.


Throughout the photo shoot the most difficult thing was to get a way her glasses would not have a glare on them. using the reflector would have allowed me to give her face a glow in a cloudy day. Something I should also have changed was to use a tripod to get a sharp image. I know Julie so for her to be my model was not awkward. when you have a relationship with the model it makes taking picture easier .

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