teenage problems by ashton parnell

so many teens problems are going on today like suicide or smoking or killing each other over stupid stuff they go through some of this stuff because of hormones but other reasons is because they don't use their heads.

they are doing so much that hurts each other like online bullying or just bullying because of the fact that ,that is the reason some kids commit suicide because they cant handle being hurt or bullied anymore.then you have them doing drugs and stuff that can get them killed.

teens who make bad decisions will have the consequences but if they don't want consequences then they don't need to be doing the wrong thing.

teens can be good friends they just need to be able to hold a bond because if they all stick together then a lot of them would stick up for each other instead of hurting each other and there would be a better chance of showing people that we can do other things than they see us doing.

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