Voting Project By: SaHil, Carter, and JaYden

Many people were split on the idea that one vote equals one vote in our current system and that's because if the electoral college. Many people who leaned conservative or are not as educated in the political field said they believed their vote equals one vote. The more liberal people didn't believe this or were unsure. Many people thought voting process could be improved with means of a country wide holiday on the day of voting to encourage those with work and other priorities to vote and also with more locations for many to access especially the lower class citizens who can't drive to destinations. Many agreed that there should be a form of secondary ID to reduce the rates of voter fraud. Many people disagreed with both candidates of this election making them more willing to not vote. Many somewhat based voting of their dislike of one candidate more than the other. Also many people were against the passing of a simple test because of the former use of the test and the hassle needed to grade the tests slowing the process of voting down.

Facts about voting

Requirements in TN -

  • You must be both a U.S. citizen and a Tennessee resident.
  • You must be 18 years old or older on the next election date.
  • You must register no later than 30 days before the upcoming election.

Steps you must take -

  • Complete the mail in application at least 30 days prior to Election Day
  • Show up to the voting polls with the proper requirements
  • Vote on the candidate you wish to vote for

Where to register -

  • County clerk's office.
  • Public libraries.
  • Register of Deeds office.
  • Department of Health (WIC program).
  • Department of Human Services.
  • Department of Mental Health.
  • Department of Safety (Motor Vehicles Division).
  • Department ofVeteran's Affairs.

Where to vote -

You can go vote in several different places around town. Many churches or schools offer voting. The best way to find out where to vote is to use the internet. Shelby county has a website where you type in your address and the closest place to vote comes up. The closest place to vote from Harding is the botanical gardens.

When to vote -

Voting takes place on Election Day which is November 8th. You can opt to early vote which allows you to vote before November 8th

How to make voting better

We think that voting can be improved by making the process of becoming a U. S. Citizen easier than it is right now. If the process is easier, more people will be allowed to vote. We believe that the voting process does not allow much room for voter fraud. Even if there were voter fraud it would not have a huge effect on the election.

Voting Slogan

Use your voice and make the right decision. Vote now


Created with images by Sean McMenemy - "VOTE" • Sean McMenemy - "VOTE" • hjl - "Vote!" • DWilliams - "american flag usa flag flag"

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