Unsocial Social Media A Multimodal Presentation exposing the truth of social media By: Austin hardy & ben domingue

This advertisement shows the obsession of trying to flaunt experiences through social media. People often try to capture the peaks of their day to show how interesting their life is but by doing so this becomes a game of capturing and sharing instead of living life and enjoying the adventures.


This picture shows how people are being distracted from their phones and not enjoying their surroundings. Phones distract people and give them tunnel vision that often leads to them missing things from their surroundings. This is what leads to so many texting and driving accidents.

Phones are often used at a young age and in the classroom leading to distractions from learning, and potential social issues. Having kids learn texting and posting as their primary source of communication is problematic because they will not have the skill of face to face communications.

Phones and social media are creating a culture where human interactions are done through technology instead of in person. Most recently interviews can be conducted over the phone or over skype. Also a dramatic example is the Twitter proposal in which a man asked a woman to marry him over Twitter. A highly debated topic is the argument that texting while driving is actually more dangerous than drinking and driving. Phones are distracting people at a young age and because of autocorrect, emoji, and abbreviations, the way people communicate is vastly different from older generations.

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