Amazon Tropical Rainforest South America (Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana)

Climate of the Tropical Rainforest in the Amazon

  • Average Rainfall: 10 inches per month
  • Maximum Rainfall: 13 inches per month
  • Minimum Rainfall: 6 inches per month
  • Average Temperature: 75 degrees fahrenheit
  • Maximum Temperature: 79 degrees fahrenheit
  • Minimum Temperature: 72 degrees fahrenheit

The Amazon Rain Forest does not go through different seasons such as summer, spring, fall, and winter. Instead, the year is divided in two by wet and dry seasons which both last around 6 months. Throughout December and May, the wet season occurs. This is the time where the rain forest gets around 6 to 12 feet of rain. However, during the dry season of June to August, the rain forest only receives about 6 to 8 inches of rain.

Net Primary Productivity

The Amazon Tropical Rain Forest is the largest rainforest on Earth and covers around 40% of the continent of South America. The rainforest sits near the equator, majorly in the northern South American continents. It is made up of different ecosystems that range from naturally made savannas all the way to swamps. As globalization and industrialization increases, the integration of the Amazon Rainforest has been assimilated into the global economy. There has been a significant loss of the forest in the Amazon due to subsistence agriculture, fires, timber plantations, and mining. The Amazon is the home of more species of animals and plants than any other land ecosystem on Earth-containing approximately 30% of the world's species.

Soil Quality

The quality of the soil found in the Amazon Rainforest is very thin and has poorly distributed nutrients. However, the reason that the rainforest is so rich is do to the forest's quick ability to decompose dead plants and animals and utilize their organic matter for the other, still-living organisms. The soil is usually used in support of the plants that thrive in the area, although it may be used for cattle grazing and to support the feeding of other livestock.

Invasive and Endangered

Invasive Species: Wild Boar

The Wild Boar is native to Northern and Central Europe but over time has been introduced to Australia and the America's. This resulted in an explosive boom in the population. The Boar has been placed in the Amazon rainforest by accident from being domestic stock animals that were incorrectly tamed and has turned into a threat to the native wildlife already living and thriving in the Amazon Rainforest.

Endangered Species: The Harpy Eagle

In the past, the Harpy Eagle was widely spread throughout Central America. However due to threats, the eagle is now only found in remote parts of the Amazon, Mexico, and the South American range. The Harpy Eagle is easily made endangered so the population has seen a decline. This is primarily caused by habitat loss from farming, mining, and logging.

Animals in the Amazon Rainforest


Similar in appearance to guinea pigs, the Capybara is a barrel-shaped, tan or brown fur massive rodent. By nature they are semi-aquatic and this makes them fit in very nicely among the Amazon wetlands.

Green Iguana

The Green Iguana is unlike its reptilian family in which it prefers fruits and flowers instead of animal flesh or insects. It has adapted for being able to eat on the forest ground but also climb trees to get away from predators.

Golden Lion Tamarin

The Golden Lion Tamarin gets its name because of its impressive mane that is filled with thick rings of golden hair that surrounds a black face. This species functions well in the Amazon because of its ability to use scent marks or songs in order to mark their territories, sleep in tree holes at night, and be very active during the day.

Plants in the Amazon Rainforest

Heliconia Flower

The Heliconia Flower thrives in the Amazon because of its bright colors and structure variation. It requires humid and warm conditions to live and grow so its establishment in the Amazon Rainforest is crucial and very beneficial to its growth.

Passion Fruit Flower

The Passion Fruit Flower grows vigorously as a wild vine that can cling onto almost anything. The flower does very well in tropical climates and cannot withstand heavy heat. The Passion Fruit Flower, however, still thrives in the Amazon Rainforest because of its adaption ability to be able to go towards the shade when the sun is too strong.

Venus Fly Trap

The Venus Fly Trap is a carnivorous plant that feeds on insects like ants and beetles, and may also prey on spiders. It is easily sustained in the Amazon Rainforest for its ability to rapidly trap its pray, seal its trap, and quickly start the digestion process.


Created with images by blackend464 - "rain forest palm trees river" • col&tasha - "Wild boar" • Becker1999 - "Harpy Eagle" • annalu060 - "capybara nature animal" • saiberiac - "iguana hanging out by the pool" • Ettore Balocchi - "Callitrichidae - Leontopithecus rosalia (Golden Lion Tamarin)" • Starr Environmental - "starr-090617-0922-Heliconia_sp-flowers-Haiku-Maui" • Foto-Rabe - "passiflora blossom bloom" • BotheredByBees - "venus fly trap"

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