石楠高中欢迎你! 史特诺


Laoshi men tong xue men, da jia hao! Huanying ni men cong zhong guo lai can guan shi nan gao zhong. Wo men xue xiao you shi yi nian de li shi. Xue sheng dou hen cong ming ke ai. Quan xiao you si ge nian ji, si shi ge ban, zong gong you yi qian san bai duo ming xue sheng. Wo xi wang ni men xi huan wo men xue xiao, hui dao zhong guo yi hou, rang geng duo zhong guo tong xue zhi dao wo men zhe ge xue xiao, wo men fei chang huan ying geng duo zhong guo jiao huan xue sheng lai can guan.

Hello everyone! Welcome Chinese visitors to Briar Woods High School! Our school has 11 years of history! All of our students are very cute and smart. Our school has 4 grades, 40 classes, and in total has 1,200 students. I hope you all like our school and when you return to China later you will tell your fellow classmates how great our school is. We happily welcome more exchange students in the future.

Created By
Troy S.

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