Digital Citizenship BY Maxwell Jaggers

Remember the golden rule. Treat others kindly. everyone is made in God's image.

Do not brag. It just makes people jealous of you and it is rude. You would not like it if others were bragging.

Too much information is a bad habit. People do not want to know all about your life. besides you do not want to give up personal info.

Think about the reader before you post. Ask yourself if you would want people to see this.

Keep relationship details to yourself. People do not have know all about your relationship.

Do not be Cryptic. Do not beg for people to give you attention.

Do not complain about everything that is posted about you or about others. If it is bad report it and let it go.

Curate your photos. do not post things you would not be proud of.

Change your settings. Always stay on top of your privacy settings.

Post smart. Do not show where you are, or personal facts. Also be kind online and do not be mean.


Created with images by Micky.! - "untitled image" • motoyen - "Gold Coins" • Alaskan Dude - "Calf Creek Falls right before the crowds showed up" • kaibara87 - "Cryo-eggs" • Sam Howzit - "Think" • klimkin - "heart raspberry board" • blondinrikard - "Attention!" • Skitterphoto - "puppy dog pet" • orvalrochefort - "see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil" • Smallman2010 - "Options" • DariuszSankowski - "phone screen technology"

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