Super human

The three objectives I would use to describe me are action packed, thrilling, and addictive. I say it is action packed, because there is a lot of fighting between super humans and many battles. I say I'm thrilling, because you might not ever know what's gonna happen next l and that I might surprise you. I also say I am addictive, becuse you never want to stop reading me until the your finished.

The genre I think I would be in is an action genre, my genre has a lot of physical stuff going on like fighting and boxing and sometimes sports and stuff.

I am from mostly a reagular town but I go places like a two different power plants for a while and a prison.

What I think people might be attracted to me I think it would be might bright red color and the sword wielding warrior on my cover.

What I think makes me stand out from all the other books I think it's the warrior on my cover.

One of my main characters are Abby she a very brave, smart, and responsible girl. How she is brave she caught a very strong and ruthless killer named slaughter. She faught her page 96-98. She is also smart she made her self armor for when she fights how is this is on page 110. When paragon asks if she made her own armor and she responds with a yes. Abby is also responsible she has a job at a diner. And you can find this out on page 40. Where it says she works full time at the diner.

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