I got the idea because it was one of the most simplest designs that i could think of. When I was little I always watched The Simpsons. I wanted to show that Bart was one of my favorite and funniest characters. I was looking at spongebob pictures and he's yellow then i realized i could have done Bart.

I chose this because I really like The Simpsons and I wanted to choose something that was simple. One of my favorite characters from The Simpsons is Bart. He is a really funny character and he makes people laugh. I had to go to Adobe Spark and put my picture on there. After that I went to Photoshop and put my picture on there and filled in the lines that would not carve or show. The part that was exciting was when the carving had finished and every single part showed up. I learned that the printer could make a lot of things that I thought it could not make. The way the carver worked was that you had to put in the part where you want it to get carved and the machine starts to carve the design that I wanted. How I think it turned out was really good because it turned out exactly how I wanted it to be.

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