1960s Protest Music Phil Ochs- I aIN'T maRCHING Anymore

1.) Who is the artist?

Phil Ochs

2.) What is the name of the Song?

I Ain't Marching Anymore

3.) When was it recorded/released?


4.) What other (if any) famous songs do they sing?

His most notable songs are "Draft Dodger Rag", and "Love Me, I'm A Liberal"

5.) What do you think the lyrics of the song mean? (Line by line, verse by verse)

"Now the labor leader's screamin'/ When they close the missile plants/ United fruits scream at the Cuban shore/ Call it, Peace, or call it, Treason/ Call it, Love, or call it, Reason/ But I ain't a marching anymore/ No I ain't a marching anymore."

The lyrics seem to create this song as an anti-war song. The artist of this song talks about how America has battled long enough and we have killed to many people, and he isn't going to support it anymore.

6.) How do they relate to or reflect the time period?

At this point in history, people were getting tired and annoyed that the US was always in war. People held protests and singers wrote songs against war most people in America became very anti-war.

7.) What is taking place in history when the song was recorded or popular?

During 1965 when this song was released, The black protests started up . We attacked North Vietnam.

8.) What was the overall inspiration and message of the lyrics of the song?

The overall message of this song is that Phil Ochs is protesting all the war outbreaks and he is not going to go along with it anymore because he believes all the fighting is wrong.

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