
The New UX a new team is forging. A NEW EXPERIENCE IS COMING.

First of all...

UX is not about how it looks; it's about how it works.

UX is not Graphic Design. It's not UI. It's not an 'interface refactor'.

We're UX professionals because we create usable experiences. Here's how we do that:

Bizagi UX Process

UX is a discipline meant to analyze user behaviors and group information logically to create simple and intuitive interactions that also look and feel awesome. To sum up, we do make pretty things, but within the creation of usable and marketable products from the ground up.

This an usual, effective and complete UX process

All these phases are integral to the whole process if we want to make the right impact. But we know how Bizagi works, so we adapted Lean UX principles to our team.

Lean UX and the Think-Make-Check Paradigm

It's as simple as it seems. First we Think (User Research, Usability Architecture), then we Make (Visual and Interaction design) and finally we Check (validate our solutions through User-tests).

How does this translate to the team you know and love?.

Like this:

The Visual Design phase, although important, is just one of many steps we do to design effective experiences. Usually, you guys use us only for VD, and that's an oversimplification of the real purpose of our team.

1.0 UX Architecture

The Pre-production of UX.

Have you seen Bizagi Sites? That's the quintessential example of a proper exercise of Usability Architecture to effectively mold a product as an user-centered piece.

Here you see Userflows that effectively depict actions, navigations, features and interactions based on user patterns (Bizagi Stakeholders) and contexts (in this case; a Hotel).
Here, on the other hand, you can see with more detail how Bizagi Sites was going to behave as a product.

Usability Architecture is essential for a global understanding of how user behave and react; and its deliveries offer good insights for Back-ends, Front-ends and of course, our Product and Visual Designers. Just like in filmmaking, a good pre-production will shape the final piece as a whole.

When do you need our UX Architect?

This handsome guy over here...

Whenever there's a new functionality, product and/or service. Within the following grid you can see good examples of well implemented UX Architecture:

From first to last: Bizagi Sites, Modeler Journeys, Mobile-First Management Console , Processes on the Fly

2.0 Product Design

A discipline for rockstars, by rockstars.

If you've seen Bizagi Sites (and if you haven't, you should), you'll notice our Product Design Squad took all insights from Architecture regarding usability and navigation and added Experiential and Interaction concepts for a more robust and awesome-looking result.

Not only does it look awesome...
... It behaves and works awesome.

When do you need our Product Design Specialist?

Whenever you need anything related to Interface patterns, Look-and-feel guidelines (iconography, typography, proportions) and UX-centered Front-end execution (responsiveness, grids, animations).

She puts the 'X' in UX (and in Sexy)

3.0 UX Testing Strategy

How we validate awesomeness

Once we have an architectural or product proposal, the next step is to validate it with users. There are many methods to accomplish valuable user-data. Some are quantitative, others are qualitative and some of them are advanced research methods that allow us to study intimately our users-behaviors when a product or service is already online (like Hotjar).

This is an example of Quantitative Navigational Click Testing for Processes on the Fly

When do you need our UX Testing Strategist?

Whenever you have a critical functionality, service or product that's already online and need to check whether it's effective or it's in dire need of a new iteration.

This man over here.. (he's quite a Pro, though, so show your respect accordingly)

In addition, our Strategist will constantly present reports like this:

A final delivery from our UX Testing Strategist for Modeler Value Chain

A document like this might affect your developments if our users are not reacting well to it.

Here's how our process looked with Modeler Value Chain:

1.0 Architecture
2.0 Visual, Interaction Design & Prototyping
3.0 Left: Usability Test execution | Right: Usability Test Results
4.0 Left: First Version | Right: Iterated Version after testing

To sum up...

We are here to work hand in hand with you, and we will build a much better product together..

Please keep in mind, however, that in order to have a more impactful UX participation, you need to consider the times for UX Architecture.

Below you'll find an example of how we're currently working with the good folks at Research & Innovation:

It would be wise to follow similar considerations with your teams and the way you interact with us.

Thank you in advance.

Created By
UX Team

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