MARS The red planet

Name of Planet - The name of the planet is Mars.

The diameter or size of the planet - The size of Mars is 4,213 miles.

These are layers of Mars

The period or rotation and revolution - The rotation of Mars is completed in 1 day and 39 minutes . The revolution of Mars is completed in 687 days.

Average distance from the sun - The distance between Mars and the Sun is 141.60 million miles.

Origin of the planet’s name - The name “Mars” comes from the god of war in Rome.

Average surface temperature or range of temperature - The temperature of Mars is -125 to 23 degrees celsius.

4 Interesting Facts -

1. The axis of Mars is tilted 25 to 30 degrees.

2. Scientist believe there may be extraterrestrial life on Mars.

3. Mars has dust storms on the surface.

4. There is water on the surface of Mars.

These are all the planets with the Roman names.
Theses are the pictures I used previously on the page.
Created By
Roscoe Gouge


Created with images by USDAgov - "Mars_NASA" • MSVG - "A New Earth/ Hot Alien.. Planet" • WikiImages - "mars planet building" • WikiImages - "phobos moon mars i" • NASA Goddard Photo and Video - "Mars’ Moon Phobos is Slowly Falling Apart" • AGeekMom - "The Planet Mars" • NASA Goddard Photo and Video - "Hubble Takes Mars Portrait Near Close Approach" • NASA Goddard Photo and Video - "Hubble Takes Mars Portrait Near Close Approach" • Lunar and Planetary Institute - "Planets and Moons" • Emily Stanchfield - "A Planet" • MSVG - "A New Earth/ Hot Alien.. Planet" • skeeze - "mars planet space" • WikiImages - "mars planet building" • WikiImages - "phobos moon mars i" • NASA Goddard Photo and Video - "Mars’ Moon Phobos is Slowly Falling Apart" • USDAgov - "Mars_NASA" • AGeekMom - "The Planet Mars" • NASA Goddard Photo and Video - "Hubble Takes Mars Portrait Near Close Approach" • Lunar and Planetary Institute - "Planets and Moons" • Emily Stanchfield - "A Planet"

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