Higher Education Access

I thought that the reauthorization of the higher education act, brought up some really good points. As a Black student, that comes from a lower-income family and that was educated in the Philadelphia Public School system, a lot of the barriers that were mentioned- I have personally experienced.

Affordability, underpreparedness and navigating the college and financial aid application process with all connected obstacles for me while trying to get into college and while in college. Both of my parents were on long-term disability, i was not academically prepared for college and the application process was extremely difficult for me. In this week's reading Long & Riley mention that these barriers not only affect low-income students, but more specifically, low-income minority students. Unfortunately, gaining college access has always been and continues to be a struggle for us.

Though, some of the suggestions that were given in the reauthorization video would be helpful, I am not sure if that would break all of the barriers for low-income minority students. Prior to going to college, I had never heard of citation formats. I was so far behind and extremely unprepared for college. Thankfully I was able to make it through. Moreover, hopefully the reauthorization of the higher education act will assist with breaking some barriers for lower-income students but, I do not think that it will eliminate all obstacles.

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