

The benefits of creating classroom content using Adobe Spark is that:

* It let us create Visual content so that we can transform words, images and videos into dynamic web stories which helps students in Visual thinking & Learning
The contents are easy to share as Posts for social media, graphics, web stories and animated videos.

What is visual thinking and visual learning? Visual thinking is a learning style where the learner better understands and retains information when ideas, words and concepts are associated with images. Research tells us that the majority of students in a regular classroom need to see information in order to learn it. Some common visual learning strategies include creating graphic organizers, diagramming, mind mapping, outlining and more.

Benefits of Visual Thinking & Learning

How does visual learning help students?

Visual learning helps students clarify their thoughts

Students see how ideas are connected and realize how information can be grouped and organized. With visual learning, new concepts are more thoroughly and easily understood when they are linked to prior knowledge.

Visual learning helps students organize and analyze information

Students can use diagrams and plots to display large amounts of information in ways that are easy to understand and help reveal relationships and patterns.

Visual learning helps students integrate new knowledge

According to research, students better remember information when it is represented and learned both visually and verbally.

Visual learning helps students think critically

Linked verbal and visual information helps students make connections, understand relationships and recall related details.

Visual thinking and learning utilize graphical ways of working with ideas and presenting information. Research in both educational theory and cognitive psychology tells us that visual learning is among the very best methods for teaching students of all ages how to think and how to learn.

Learning Google Doodle using Spark
Doodles are the fun surprising changes that are made to the google logo to celebrate holidays, anniversaries and the lives of famous artists, pioneers & scientists. We created a Spark Page to give our students a thorough visual tour to make them understand the process of creating their own doodle. This helped them understand the process quickly as they visualized each & every steps thoroughly.
These strategies help students of all ages to better manage learning objectives and achieve academic success. As students are required to evaluate and interpret information from a variety of sources, incorporate new knowledge with what they already have learned, and improve writing skills and think critically, visual learning tools help students meet those demands. Paired with the brain’s capacity for images, visual learning strategies help students better understand and retain information.
Lesson plans that incorporate visual thinking and outlining and are aligned to the Common Core State Standards help students think, learn and achieve. With the powerful combination of visual learning and technology, students learn to clarify thoughts, organize and analyze information, integrate new knowledge, and think critically.
Learning outcome of visual learning
The objective of creating visual contents is to make a strong impact on learners and facilitate learning. Visuals are an important aspect of Learning that communicates the key concepts and engages learners throughout the course. This report explains visual learning and advantages of visual learning.
Created By
minakshi ranjan


Created with images by Petr Ciz - "Corporate financial and investment concept" • OpturaDesign - "Conceptual business illustration with the words visual learning" • SFIO CRACHO - "yellow stucco wall" • neirfy - "Teenager wearing VR virtual realty glasses and learning math" • kentoh - "Predictive Analytics" • iaremenko - "Big data concept. Digital cube with program code for machine learning algorithm. 3D illustration." • Denis Aglichev - "Children draw" • momius - "Learning Outcomes" • iQoncept - "Pyramid Steps Five Levels Colors Principles Blank Copy Space"

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