Germany Dawsyn Lightner

Scenery - Popular physical features of Germany are The Harz Mountains and The Rhine.

The Rhine flows from the Alps to the North Sea Basin and is an important river that has been used for carrying necessary trade and goods into the country. There have been many castles and military buildings situated along the river. Some German cities along The Rhine are Cologne, Mainz, and Bonn.
The Harz is the highest mountain range in Northern Germany. There are many towns located within the deep, wooded valleys of the mountains. Many villagers made their living mining for silver in the Harz mountains. The highest mountain in the Harz is the Brocken.
Landmarks- Landmarks are important to Germany because Germany is filled with historical, cultural and architectural landmarks, although many sites were damaged or destroyed during World War II. One of the most important landmarks is the Brandenburg Gate. It is the only surviving city gate of Berlin.
Germany is located by the North Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and the English Channel.
Culture- The language in Germany came from the West Germanic group of the Indo- European. It also came from the year 1522.
Religion in Germany- About 70% of the population are followers of the Christian religion. There are about 5.4% that are followers of Islam and then there is Judaism which is less than 1%.
One of Germany's unique food dishes is Eisbein. Eisbein is a dish of pickled ham hock. It is usually served with boiled or mashed potatoes or sauerkraut, and with mustard.
One of Germany's most popular team sports is called Handball. Handball is a lot like our game of soccer, but you have to throw a ball and pass a ball to make a goal while using your hands. The ball that is used is shaped like a soccer ball..
Popular types of music in Germany are classical, folk, rock and disco.
This dance is a traditional folk dance in Germany. It is called the Schuhplattler .
This is the traditional dress worn by men and women in Germany.
This is what a traditional farmhouse looks like in Germany. Germany also has upside down houses.
Joachim Gauck is the President of Germany, serving since 2012.
World War II- This war was fought between Nazi Germany, its allies and Finland, against Russia. The war began in 1939 and lasted 6 years. Germany surrendered on May 8th, 1945. Around 64 million people died during World War II.
One of the most famous people from Germany was scientist and inventor, Albert Einstein. He became a U.S. Citizen in 1933 while vacationing in the United States.
This is Heidi Klum. She came from Germany and now she lives in America, she is also a very successful model and a judge on Americas Got Talent.

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