Superfoods for Fido all dogs are super, feed them that way

Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin A, C, Manganese and Iron. It supports a healthy coat and immune system.

This delicacy is high in Protein used to build and repair muscle tissue. It's also a fun source of good fats.

Salmon, Mackeral, HeRring and Halibut are great sources of Omega-3 fatty acids. Helping to maintain brain functions and also helps and prevents joint stiffness.

Carrots are high in Beta Carotene for healthy eyes and heart. There also low in calories and full of fibre. So a great treat for those pup watching their waistline.

Liver, not my personal favourite. But my dog goes nuts for it. Fulll of Vitamin E and Antioxidents. It's also great for boosting the immune system and alleviating some skin issues.
Like carrots, pumpkin is high in Beta Carotene and Antioxidents. A spoonful mixed in with your dogs regular food can also help with problems like diarrhea and constipation.
Coconut oil is bursting with good fats that promote tissue health and promote a shiny coat. I prefer to use an organic version.
Blueberries are a natural inflammatory, great for sore muscles after a rigorous play date or a long hike. Also known to boost cognitive function.
Quinoa is high in Protein and an excellent substitute for rice and grain if you pup suffers from allergies.
Kale is overflowing with goodness. Iron, Vitamin A, C, K and Fibre. Keeping Fido healthy and happy for years to come.
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