Testable Question: How does mass of a falling object affect the amount of energy transfered to sand?

The concept that was learned in the GPE lab was that the more mass the falling object have the more energy is transfered to the sand. My data shows that when the mass of the object is 10g the GPE of it was 0.3 J. When the mass of the object was 500g the GPE of it was 1.96 J. The reason for this was because more mass will have more energy. Therefore when it fell down, those energy transferred to the sand. With more energy transferred to the sand, the bigger the crater will be which would have more GPE. In the two graph below I graphed mass vs depth of crater and GPE vs depth of crater. For graph one mass is the x axis and depth of crater is the y axis. For graph two GPE is the x axis and depth of crater is the y axis. Some errors that could of happened in this lab woul have been the dropper, they could have not dropped it from the right height or it could have been how the depth in the sand was measured it could have been incorrect.

Mass vs Depth of crater
GPE vs depth of crater

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