The Good Life byAngela Del Rossi the divine: a play for sarah bernhardt

The Spatial Experience

The theater was a very welcoming place. When you walk in you are welcomed by the ticket booth and portraits. Once you are in the actual theater, you cannot help but notice how big the stage is. The stained glass windows portrayed on the set really caught my eyes. As I found my seat, I awaited the play to start. The role of spaces and places in the good life is that it could potentially make one feel safe, excited, and curious like I was when I took in the new scenery.

The Social Experience

I attended the performance by myself, which was nice because I love doing stuff alone, yet rarely do now that I'm in college. Being able to divulge the play by myself and mull it over on my walk home was a nice feeling. If I was with friends I probably wouldn't be as focused watching the play because we usually make highly critical remarks and are dramatic in our theater views. Shared experiences in life are important because you make great memories with ever greater people but being alone is also important so you can find solace and comfortability just being with yourself.

The Cultural and Intellectual Experience

The performance was very good. The play tackled the issues of child labor and religious corruption. These are both prevalent issues in our culture today, not just in America but in a global sense. They described brutal deaths in factories of small children ages eleven to fourteen. This is still a problem today in our culture wear we wear cheaply made clothes and shoes (like the ones made in the play). Religious corruption was also a focal point in the play with the protagonist admitting to being sexually assaulted by a priest. This is also a very real problem today with young children being sexually violated by members of the church that their family originally trusted. In a broader sense it shows the great lengths people will go to cover up this terrible crime, which still persists today as we see Baylor's athletic department being investigated for hiding over 52 rapes. The premise of the play that did play into my life is Sarah Bernhardt's inability to stand for injustice and her need to speak out. Although her reasons may have been a little selfish, the were also altruistic which is why I speak out on injustice.

The Emotional Experience

My catharsis was feeling terrible for silenced voices in the world that can't afford to speak out against injustice. It made me want to take my privilege and speak out for others who are not in the best position to speak for themselves. The play calls out for social change which is something we definitely need in the world. The human experience should be one of helping others and being happy while doing it.

All photos were taken by myself.

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