England By Stephen

one of the big land markes is big ben and londan gate bridge

england is lokated in londan and is quit a old city

i wun

there sports are biking cricket rugby rowing tennis

mmmm cupcakes needs some more frosting

roast,meats,cottage pie,lacashire,hot pot,yourkishier pudding, fish and chips,shepherds pie,bubble and squack,black pudding,ploughmans lunch,gammon,steak with egg,english breakfest,bacon roly poly.

all hail the queen

this is the queen of engalend she became queen feburary 6 1952 but was crowned on june 2 1953 she was 25 when she got the crown after her father had passed away.

also tom cruis is from londan he playes in many populer movies like live die repeat edge of tomorrow and he is in the new movie cooming out he is actully a mummy


in the first 30 days of world war 2 over six thousand men were killed and twice as many were badly injured.


Created with images by chrgerhart - "united kingdom clock clock tower" • Chrismatos ♥90% OFF, sorry - ""The Golden Gate"" • markusspiske - "globe africa europe" • glennsontag - "cyclist race sport" • Unsplash - "cupcakes dessert frosting" • The U.S. Army - "Meeting the Queen" • David Holt London - "Abney Park Hackney London 043 Blitz WW2" • Beverly & Pack - "Always Faithful, Doberman, Military Working Dog, MWD, World War II Memorial, War Dog Cemetery located on Navel Base Guam"

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