Technology By Colby

The first activity that we did was a 3D puzzle that involved teamwork and common sense.
This ruler represents the measuring unit that we did so we could complete future projects that involved measuring
The second activity we did was learning how to use the program SKETCHUP. We figured this out by doing an activity called color your kitchen, the paint brush shows how we used the paint tool to put color in our SKETCHUP creation.
This picture of a wind turbine represents the wind turbines that we built in class, to see how fast the turbine would spin under different wind speeds.
This photo represents the Engineering go for It project . In that project we looked how and when certain types of towers had been built and the process taken to put them together
In the billions in change lesson we followed the creator of five hour energy who donated 99% of his money to science so he and his crew of scientists could make inventions that would change the world.
In the tower building unit students and partners cut and glued measured pieces of wood together to eventually create three sided towers.


over the course of this year, through all of the projects that I have done I have had lots of fun making and learning things in technology class.


Created with images by frankieleon - "traveling circuts" • jofaber - "Puzzling" • isox4 - "Ruler" • Unsplash - "brushes color paint" • environick - "Wind turbine at Biglow Wind Farm" • Wesley Fryer - "Electrical Engineering Test Equipment" • JeepersMedia - "5-Hour Energy" • Dave Catchpole - "25th Ickworth Wood & Craft Fair 2014"

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