Xact Balance


We are trying to improve the quality of this app, by improving the graphics and if possible adding another tools.

An application for iphone that its utility is for the user to confirm what the user is balancing, that is our primary goal. Adding some additional tools will make it more useful and more attractive, and therefore more people may likely use it. An additional tool that will also help is a ruler with the ability to make the total calculation of the object that a user measures.

.It is a tool that helps balance objects and measures distances, and make calculations for long distances, areas or volumes.

This app needs to exist to facilitate the process of calculating of having the bubble balance that not everyone has, so general public can have it and profesionist in careers that may help in their projects or work.

A woman wants to measure a certain space in her room, to see if the desk she likes fits. After she bought the desk she needs to adjust the desk so it wouldn’t be inclined. the woman needs to find the area where the desk need to fit, and balance the desk so it wouldn’t be inclined and objects will slip away.

There are similar apps that helps you to do what this app does, but it requires different apps to have the results, but Xact Balance will do it using only this app. This app have a better graphics, nicer and clear way to show the processes and results.


Created with images by ashkyd - "App Icon Grid"

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