
From the photon to the leaf This web page is the result of the implementation of the learning scenario Designed by prof. Andrea Checchetti as part of the Europeana DSI-4 project

Teaching with Europeana

You can view the learning scenario at this link.


The purpose of the learning unit is to reflect on the importance of chlorophyll in the biological systems. Using the IBSE methodology, we researched information, data processed and analysed the errors, which allowed us to answer to the key questions on Chlorophyll and Photosynthesis.

Problem identification

After the teacher’s introduction of photosynthesis we were divided into groups and invited to look up EUROPEANA for documents about photosynthesis, using keywords, such as chlorophyll, photosynthesis, carbon assimilation, light. Here are all resources used from EUROPEANA

Formulating hypotheses

We selected spinach leaves and we prepared them to be treated with the solvents, then we performed the necessary technical procedures for the separation of pigments and determine qualitatively and quantitatively the pigments present in the leaves.


TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) and UV / VIS spectroscopy were used to determine the main pigments presents in the spinach leaves and their concentration. Here is the method we used.

Collecting data and data analysis

We compared and analyzed the obtained data and interpreted the results. Here are TLC's result.

Our TLC analyses says that in spinach leaves you find, moving from the origin to the front: A Chlorophyllid (light green); Xantophyll (Yellow); B Chlorophyll (Yellow-green); A Chlorophyll (Blue-green); Phaeophytins (Grey); Carotenes (Yellow)

Collecting data and data analysis

Here are UV / VIS spectroscopy's results.

The absorption spectrum of extract showed that the most intense absorption values are between 440 nm and 500 nm (a range that best represents carotenoids)

On the other hand, less intense absorption values were observed between 650 nm and 700 nm (the interval that best represents chl a)

Google tour

We designed a Google Tour where you can see the Sila National park, Arvo Lake and our school. Our 3D tour contains the pictures showing our findings.

Created By
Paolo Pio Mascaro


Created with images by Val Vesa - "Stay the Course" • Nikola Briede - "untitled image" • pandu ior - "Triangle Life" • ejaugsburg - "environmental protection nature conservation ecology" • pixel2013 - "trees forest forest path" • ponce_photography - "spinach healthy green"

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