Discrimination against girls and non-citizens in education By: Anmol chowdhary

The editorial I chose is published in The Atlantic. The article is titled, The Sexism of School Dress Codes. This editorial is written by, Li Zhou.

The lead in the editorial is, "Maggie Sunseri was a middle-school student in Versailles, Kentucky, when she first noticed a major difference in the way her school’s dress code treated males and females. Girls were disciplined disproportionately, she says, a trend she’s seen continue over the years. At first Sunseri simply found this disparity unfair, but upon realizing administrators’ troubling rationale behind the dress code—that certain articles of girls’ attire should be prohibited because they “distract” boys—she decided to take action"(The Atlantic). I believe this is a summary lead. I think this because it summarizes the issue presented in the editorial and gives an example of a student that is fighting for her rights.

The lead I have written is, all it took was one young, brave girl student in Versailles, Kentucky to bring the issue of dress code to the administrators attention. This is an example of a creative lead.

Who: In this editorial, many different people were involved. For example, in the article are, Maggie Sunseri, students, administrators, and school boards.

What: The discrimination of girls in school dress code, and what we can do to stop this discrimination.

When: This event took place in 2015, but still is an issue in society today.

Where: The event in the article took place in the USA, specifically stated as in the article Versailles, Kentucky

Why: Events like this happen to raise awareness that discrimination is still occurring between opposite genders.

How: This issue is being solved by people who are bringing this issue to administrators, and going to school boards.

The conclusion of this article is, "There’s a growing interest in making dress codes as gender-neutral as possible as a means of reducing sexism and LGBT discrimination. But even beyond policy changes, students say there needs to be a fundamental shift in admitting that teachers and administrators come in with their own set of biases, which they may bring to creating and enforcing school rules. “I feel like there’s this misconception … that you can separate your prejudice from your profession, because so often prejudice is unconscious,” says Vela. “The biggest piece of advice I can offer is to recognize that.”

In order to combat latent prejudices, schools must first acknowledge that they exist." The conclusion of this article is a point forward and a leave a pleasant aftertaste.

My conclusion:

The discrimination of dress code, between girls and boys is becoming a well known issue. When school boards come to realization that they are discriminating, the quicker this issue will resolve. After, schools begin to become notified about this matter, more schools will have equality in school dress code. This may seem like a small issue in a large world, as Albert Einstein once said, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."

My conclusion is an example of a point forward, and quote a verbal giant.

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