GenYes Learning what i learned in My genyes class

Google Doc Add-On

My group and I got to work on Google Docs and start an add-on, it was actually my first time working with this part of a google doc. We each experimented with a add-on of our choice and made an example of what the add-on did. We spent about an hour, basically a class eriod working on this assignment.

Touchjet Present

As a class we all got to work with Touchjet Present. We all participated on working with it on one whiteboard. We found out that teachers can limit students rights and that everyone can participate at once. The last thing we found out was that if a student erased another student's work you weren't able to tell who did it but in the end i enjoyed working with this app. We spent a whole class period experiencing this app also.


The Sphero is an orb drone and it was also my first time using it or even hearing about it. It was used by the Tickle app and it makes it roll around bounce all of those kind of things. I also enjoyed this fun game. We spent about 45 minutes messing with the sphero along with the mini drone.

Drone Piloting 101

In total we spent about 5 hours on learning to fly the drone properly by the teaching from my group leader. We were supposed to memorize and study the rules of drone piloting. Eventually we were tested on the rules and were able to fly around the school with the trust of my group members guiding the drone to land safely.


Ozobots are these little robots that follow the directions of lines that you draw on pieces of paper or cardboard, etc. If you don't use them with the drawing lines way you can connect them to an app called Blockly which controls the Ozobot. They will also roam freely if left on the ground on it's own. We spent about 30 minutes playing with the Ozobots.

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