Florida Museum of Natural History By:judy jo shippen

Nature on Display

Walking through the Tidal Marsh exhibit at the Florida Museum of Natural History was like walking through a swamp. If I didn't know any better, I would convinced that I was outside in the middle of nature. The sound of birds chirping, the natural looking trees and lakes, and the textured ground all worked together to create an engaging experience. The nature sounds and nature-like ground stood out to me and made me pay extra attention to this exhibit. Walking through this exhibit and reading the signs that had been put up to educate me, I learned a lot about the marshes in south Florida. I believe that this experience allowed me to learn better than another medium might because it was interactive and I got to see why the marshes were so important because it felt like I was in them. Personally, I thought that this exhibit was enjoyable because of how relaxing it was. Walking through it was like taking a walk through a swamp or through the woods, and it was easy to pretend I was out in nature.

Nature and Ethics

The Natural History Museum calls on its visitors to appreciate nature for what it is. Allowing its patrons to interact with nature in a fun and interesting way, the museum highlights the importance of respecting our planet without shoving it down its visitor's throats. As I walked through the museum, I felt peaceful. I could sense the birds chirping and the feeling of being surrounded by trees and dirt. I thought about the exhibits, and had the chance to read and learn about many parts of nature that I had not thought about previously. I saw other people reacting with excitement and interest to the museum and its myriad exhibits. By making interactive exhibits and attempting to make the museum feel as much like the outdoors as possible, the museum allows the people who visit to feel connected with nature. Visiting this museum made it very clear to me that nature is important and we have a responsibility to preserve it.

Nature and the Human Spirit

One of the most striking exhibits at the museum was the one about the sea. This exhibit blows up the animals to 12 times their natural size and has the viewer walk among them as though they are a part of the ecosystem they're studying. This exhibit, more than any of the others, took me out of my ordinary life and allowed me to see the Majesty of the natural world. Walking through the "sea" was an experience unlike any I'd had before. Looking up at the creatures that were so much bigger than me put my own life into perspective. It reminded me how insignificant I am compared to these animals and the ocean as a whole. But it also brought me peace. Walking through this exhibit took me away from the struggles of my own life and let me focus on the mystery of nature.


Created with images by jared422_80 - "Gainesville - Florida Museum of Natural History - Underwater Walk-Through - Giant Jellyfish"

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