Gloria Britt 1929 - 2012

8 children. 22+ grandchildren. 37+ great-grandchildren.

Her legacy is not defined by wealth or material things, but rather love, character, faith, strength and dignity-- all of which she instilled in her family.

Literally born into the Great Depression at the height of Jim Crow, she would often tell you that while slavery was abolished, the system that kept black folks enslaved was not.

As a little black girl in Klan-invested rural Mississippi, her opportunities were just as scarce as her resources. Daily, she stared down the horrors of oppression, the pain of injustice, and the trauma of poverty. And daily, she persevered.


This page is dedicated to celebrating the life of a true superwoman and the legacy she created.



Having a little chat with one of her first grandbabies, Hillary (George).

Spending a special moment with her big sister Ruth.

Grilling with her daughter Pam and grandson Aaron.

Saying farewell to a loved one. Her son June and granddaughter Sherry in the background.

Chowing down with daughter Pam and granddaughter Toni. She could always be counted on for good food and spicy conversation.

Sharing a cookie with great-granddaughter Shanna.


Green thumb? Try green fingers! Everything she touched seemed to flourish...including the people she showered her love on.

Styling and profiling with a few friends at the community garden. She was PROUD of her garden.

There is an art and science to gardening. She mastered both.

FRIENDS (a.k.a extended family)

She made a lot of new friends at SeniorWorld, but throughout her life, she often developed deep friendships with people that she encountered.

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