Time for Change Start small

Every semester I embark on a new journey to wellness with my students

Students in my class do amazing programs on their own. I find myself inspired by them each and every semester.
Although our class is fully online and you would think it impossible to feel connected behind a computer, the class blog brings together our common goals each week.

Starting in Week 7 of the term we all start posting the results of our first mini-goal. For me I have decided to reconfirm my commitment to ride by bike no less than 60 miles. Now that I see other student's plans I would like to up my game a bit and add some in some meditation 3 times a week for the first week and build on that.

I need to find time for more of this
And more of this...
Riding to and from school plus weekends

Last semester I was able to work myself up to 80 miles a week and included 200 crunches a day, drinking more water and cooking everything from scratch. You can see by the latest posts in my website that I unfortunately regressed. This too I aim to fix.

Spiralized Zucchini with Garlic/Lemon Pesto

I will also clean up my act on the eating starting in week 4. My goal is to reduce sugar and bread and eat more green and protein. Specifically I will start with one treat a day and begin to cut back to every other day. For greens I will eat a salad at least 4 times a week and have asparagus, zucchini or artichokes on the other days.

Then of course I will add water each week. Starting with week 1 and increasing until for week 8 I will be drinking 4-5 cups a day.

As you can see the cycling, meditation/stretching, greens and water will increase a bit each week, while the sugar and bread will decrease.

Watching how my students work through their mini-goals will be one of the keys to inspiration, encouragement and ideas.
Created By
Denise Castro

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