HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Brais Santana Rodríguez 3ºeso b

Hi everybody! I'm going to talk about healthy life, recommended good food and I give you some advice.

First, we must have a balanced diet; eat vegetables,meat and some fish and fruit every day.The fresh food is better. Once a week you can eat fast food; it's delicious but unhealthy and last should drink much water. If you can visit a nutritionist and help you with a diet. People with weight problems must attend.

On the other hand, is very important to do sport. It's nice for our body and our mind. The sports are advisable to eliminate strees, minimun one hour per day. You can play diferent types of sports as football or play for training your brain as chess but also you can do relaxing sports as yoga.

Besides, you must sleep eight hours every night, for you daily routine. For example, when you are working or studying and you to do a good job.

In our life we should choose our good close friend.We can do healthy things.Play games every weekend with friends, read a nice book,watch Tv,but you should study too.

Now, I want to give you some advice for your life:

-You shouldn't drink alcohol,it's bad vice.

-Not eat food with to much fat.

-Not eat freeze food all the days.

-Don't smoke,it's harmful for our hungs.

-Don't drugs,because hurt your brain. "Remember you choose your lifestyle"

I would like that you ask if you have a health life ,you think in bad or good that you want to improbe ,to do sport, enjoy with your family and friends, health life.

Last, I'm happy with my lifestyle,and you?


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