Neil Leifer by: Jared Hinkle

Neil Leifer was born December 28th 1942 and died at age 74.

Ali- Liston

He took sports pictures and portraits of sports players.

He would take over head pictures at boxing matches which was different. unknown. unknown.

He has appeared in LIFE, Time, Sports Illustrated and other big magazines.

Ali- Williams (overhead). 1966

He used 35mm Nikons, and 2 1/4" Rolleiflex.

Secretariat (1973)

Julius Erving (1977)

He uses a brighter lighting to capture the details of the action shots.

He was influenced by Nelly Peissachowitz to start photography.

Willie Mays (1962)

Cheetah (1986).

Neil Leifer used to push handicapped people to get into Giants games.

I like that he takes pictures of interesting things like animals,sports and war. All of his pictures are beautiful.

Leopard (1986)

I selected Neil because he has taken some of the most historic sports pictures of all time.

Willie Nelson and Family (1978)

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