Spring break at: Tokyo Japan By: Tyler Burch

Delta Airlines Plane

I would fly from United Airlines in the afternoon of March 23rd, and return April 1st. The flight itself will take 18 hours to get there, and then another 18 hours to fly back. When I get there I'll stay at Akihabara Washington Hotel. The 3 attractions I would visit are: Tokyo Sea Life Center, Akihabara, and the Tokyo Tower. The Sea Life Center would be the first thing I would do the day after I get off the plane, it would be a half day experience. The next day I would go see Akihabara, to shop and visit the stores in Japan, I would spend a whole day there. The last thing I would do is visit the big Tokyo Tower, being a half day experience. The 3 foods that came or originated from Japan that I would eat/try is sushi, ramen, and some soups.

The Tokyo Sea life Center

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