My home

I am at home in many places not only in Massachusetts but all across the country, like in Minnesota for example or the city Miami Beach. I feel comfortable most anywhere to be honest. However above anywhere in the entire world, I feel like home on Nashoba’s football field more than anywhere else. At my house I feel crowded and quite trapped in my room. At school I can not breath without someone being right in my space. The other homey places like my grandfather’s house in Minnesota, everything seems to be perfect but there is the one major flaw of no locked doors so no privacy(not even the bathrooms). Miami is the same way but instead of no locked doors, there are roaches everywhere. But out on the field, everything is open, I get that special weird football feeling in my stomach that I could not possibly explain. And while there is no privacy like any of the other places, I gain another different feeling that I do not feel in most other places. Pride. Pride that I am on that field representing a great program. While there is certainly the weight of the school on my shoulders, I feel as though I can do no wrong because I know without a doubt in my mind, that this is where I belong.

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