Who am I? By:Kyle roOker

Throughout history, many great thinkers were known as the most intelligent humans to have ever lived on earth. People with intense minds immediately are characterized as "smarty pants" citizens who have outstanding academic achievements and are to be considered the fit minds of the world. Stereotypically students who are academically successful are quickly viewed as the ones who are remarkable at writing, speaking, learning, and of course thinking. You name it and the can master it without any critical issues along the path.

Academically I admit I am not the most remarkable, but at the same time I have my moments were I step outside my shell and occasionally have deep thoughts flowing throughout my mind. High school has been my dark days when it came to academics due to the fact that I was a shadow of my former self. Throughout middle school the worst grade I even got on any report court in a class was a B. I lost my sense of deep thinking when it came to school for my first three years and have faltered in school when it came to my grades. However, recently I decided that I would have return to my old shadow that I had previously if I wanted to succeed in school and make it go by less slow. Outside of school before I ever came here I experience a lot that I wished I hadn't due to the influence of the area that I grew up in before I moved to Noblesville. My mind was still racing with many thoughts and the move here overwhelmed me in a way where I didn't know how to react right away. I remember along time ago thy my mother used to tell me all the time "You can't always stay in the same place forever, I miss it too believe me I do. We have more opportunities here than we ever did before." My mother has noticed my academic decline throughout high school and has shared her disappointments with me. Before senior year I told myself that I was gonna ask more questions and put in more effort in and out of school in everything I had to do. Academically I still have difficulties but I can proudly say that lately I have mentally improved and am able to stay focused on my studies more than I have a while. Although it may not show it the way most would expect, my grades have slowly improved based off my increased concentration level. As a student approaching into my senior year I was anxious yet nervous at the same time because it was my last year of high school and I was just ready to get it over with and graduate. It comes to a surprise to many people that I've always considered myself a deep thinker about life in general. I often become extremely curious and have an extreme amount of questions unanswered that I'd like to go out and search for the answers. This whole semester in English has taught more than I would ever have expected to ever come across. It helped me think deeply about ever day questions/problems without stressing or overthinking it too much whether it was inside or outside of the classroom. I found the open discussions very useful because it allowed me to speak my mind more and listen to what other people had on their minds as well. In most classrooms, creativity is just a thing in the past and is not as focused on as it should be. Everyday outside of school no matter what environment I'm in or what I'm doing, I always think deeply about life in general and ask myself questions everyday that I extensively think about and often ask my parents and some of my friends their opinions. A deep thinker I honestly feel as if I'm a deep thinker and it has made me feel more satisfied and relaxed that I jumped to a more higher level mentally to the point where I can think more swiftly.

Ever since I was in kindergarten, I have always had in interest in writing stories or music. Many teachers throughout all my school years would often praise me about my writing and I even scored at the top levels of my class. Writing helps me more most people would assume because it releases the creativity and stories in my mind that have been lingering in my head for quite some time now. In Florida the schools have these big tests called the FCATS that we would have to take each year in order to move on to the next grade. The writing portion had a mixture and questions or opinions you would have to write an essay about. Each person had different topic and only had 3 pages to write about it. The highest score you could receive on it was 5. Surprisingly I scored 5's on the writing part of the FCAT back to back. Now I'm not saying I'm not confident in my writing but those moments really struck me into how my skills in writing currently stood and boosted me with motivation every school year. My 4th grade teach Ms. Prezzemolo had a conversation with my mom and word for word said "Kyle has interesting things to say each time he writes. It's amazing how he's always like a never ending book that you want to to continue forever." Outside of school when I was young I would write alternative endings of my favorite books from time to time. To this day I feel as if I could be like Agatha Christie and write many novels to the point where I would lose count. My passion for rap music has inspired me to start writing my own intellectual raps to the extent that I would like to make it a career and be a new found leader for the youth to show them the benefits and positives of writing and how it could personally save you emotionally and improve the way you approach essays you are given in any type of schooling environment. Sophomore and junior year I was on the school newspaper and it definitely helped me with my fast pace way to get information or write a story perfectly without any hesitation and helped me work with people much better. I currently am in a creative writing class with Mr.Kenley that has taught me so much more than I had ever had to my knowledge before. It has taught me to control my writing and that sometimes even the story you think isn't good enough, could end up being the best story. Mr Kenley always says "I'm not here to judge your writing or critique you in any way. I'm only here to praise you and focus only on what's good about your story." Throughout this whole semester I have used my writing skills to the point where it has improved my vocabulary and even helped me come up with answers and ideas more thoughtfully in all my classes that I had ever done before. My writing continues to improve every year and has made me more awake on what exactly I'm writing.

Fast learners often have better potential and are more perfectionists than those who are unable to learn as quick. I feel as a developing learner, this class has put me back on the track I need to be in order to obtain knowledge needed in order to help me with future studies that are covered and worked on. The problem solving exercises we did with the tools as the ice burg we did in class really helped me learn what it means to really solve a problem. Outside of school I am able to learn new tasks and assignments with more confidence and less seconds thoughts or hesitation in any way. I feel I have much more to learn throughout the rest of my life and feel like practice is always needed to call myself a so called "an expert learner" or a fast listener. My communion skills have always never been an issue throughout my life or school. Honestly, the open discussions did help me slightly improve my communication but at the same time I feel that we should have more time with the discussions and more speaking exercises that require people to share thoughts more often. My good friend Sanchez will often address how effective my communication skills often are. "I notice that you're quiet a lot, but you have good conversations and share your mind with me and I think that's what a lot of people should do like you." I need to improve on listening better in order to become a better learner and my communication has always been one of my strongest suits.

Teenage students often complain about a class like English and how slow and useless it is and even question how this helps us in the real world. I believe that English is one of the ,it's important courses you will ever take throughout your entire school career. It has greatly improved my thinking more than anything and has contributed to some of of my grades improving. It has opened my eyes when it comes to writing and has helped my mind expand more on how my writing style should be and what more I could write about. Communication definitely isn't a struggle for me but this class has allowed me speak more and explain my thoughts or answers more professionally in my group

and in front of the whole class. As for learning, it shows there's definitely improvements needed to be made for me personally. English has taught me more than I would have ever expected and has made me a better person in and outside of school. It's taught me how to focus more, stay more disciplined, and most importantly it has showed me that with hard work I can be smart and that I'm not unintelligent. All in all, I am able to see myself as someone who needs to seek questions more than answers and go out to improve myself in as a person.

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