Paris By: Owen s.


Traveling in Paris is nice you can travel by boat, train, car, moped,buses, and bicycle. They say that the boat rides are the best tour rides in France. The bike and mopeds are the best way to get around with.


Most travelers love shopping in Paris and French fashion. The fashion in Paris is very complex and creative. The fashion is mind blowing.

Time Zone

A spiral never ending clock

The time zone in Paris is 1-hour ahead. So if it is say 6:00 p.m here then it would 7:00 p.m there. It's like a time warp if you are coming back from Paris.


In September the weather is around 13-21c ( 55-70f). July is the hottest month in Paris. In spring the weather is a warm 20c.


Stop Sign

Did you know that Paris is known as "The City of Lights". All trees are measured in Paris.There is only a variety of stop signs in Paris.


Created with images by EdiNugraha - "the eiffel tower french eiffel" • iushosh - "Versailles" • Pexels - "girl gown leaves" • Cea. - "Time" • blueeve - "the sun way street" • Identity Photogr@phy - "Xmas lights"

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