John Adams Taiya johnson

Early Life/ Childhood

John Adams was born October 30, 1735 and he died July 4, 1826. He was born October 30th, his father was a congregationalist deacon and town councilman, his mother, Susanna, was a descendant of the boylstons of Brooklyn, a prominent family in colonial Massachusetts At age 16 John earned a scholarship to Harvard. He had two brothers, Elihu Adams and Peter Adams.


John Adams went to a lot of schools in his life. When he graduated he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree. At age 16 he got a scholarship to Harvard University. When he turned 20 and graduate he studied law in the office of James Putman. He earned a master’s degree from Harvard and was admitted to the bar. After he got out of college he became a schoolmaster. He wanted to pursue law instead of being a schoolmaster and he did.


He was a schoolmaster or a teacher when he got out of college. He wanted to pursue government and law. So he became a lawyer. Became vice president for George Washington and became president.


He was in the federalist party. And the Federalist Party was the first American political party. It existed from the early 1790's to 1816; its remnants lasted into the 1820's. He was more of a political philosopher than a politician. He had served as a vice president for two terms and decided to run for President. Most of his administration was focused on the French when the ruling group, had refused to receive the American envoy and had suspended commercial relations. Most of his presidency he just focused on wars.

Impact and Legacy

Adams signed the Alien and Sedition Acts. He was part of making the Declaration of Independence. He fought for American Independence as a Massachusetts delegate to the Continental Congress. John Adams had a positive impact on history because he was a moral leader, the rule of law, he was compassionate, and a caution but active foreign policy that aimed both on securing the national interest and achieving an honorable peace.

“ I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.”

“Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.”

Fun Facts

Adams defended british soldiers after the boston massacre

He was a great pen pal

He was the principal author of the oldest written constitution still in use in the world.

He was the first president to live in the white house

He died on the same day as Thomas Jefferson

There is no monument to him in Washington DC

He was 61 when he took oath

He was one of two presidents to live past 90

He was 5’7


Created with images by cliff1066™ - "John Adams" • walknboston - "Boston Sunset" • tpsdave - "cambridge massachusetts harvard university" • succo - "hammer books law" • Glyn Lowe Photoworks. - "The White House, Northside, Washington DC" • conservativemajority - "Declaration of Independence by John Trumbull" • Tony Fischer Photography - "Benjamin Franklin, Born in...Boston!"

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